
TzLibre betanet will go live on February 25th, 2020 H 16:00 UTC. If you are an alphanet baker, follow this guide to migrate to TzLibre betanet. TzLibre betanet node will be available starting from Feb 21, 2020 H 16:00 UTC on GitHub.

📖 Requirements

  • Minimum: 2GB RAM, 100GB storage

  • Recommended: 8GB RAM, 1TB storage

  • SSD recommended

🐳 Run with Docker

Install Docker and docker-compose

  1. Install Docker. Here are some installation guides:

  2. Post install. Follow these post-install steps

  3. Install docker-compose. Install docker-compose

  4. Update Docker images. Force a Docker images update to the latest available version: docker pull tzlibre/tzlibre:havana (Note: you can issue this command from anywhere, e.g., your home directory ~/)

🚨 WARNING: If you never installed a TzLibre betanet node before skip step 5

  1. Cleanup previous installs.

    • Move into the tzlibre repository folder with cd tzlibre. (Note: if you cloned the repository into a different or nested folder, make sure to cd into that very folder.)

    • Stop and remove any previously running TzLibre container with: docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q -f name=tzlibre).

    • Cleanup old data from disk with: docker system prune (Note: your private keys are safely stored and encrypted in a separate docker volume. They will no be deleted)

  2. Clone (or update) repository.

    • If you never cloned the repository before, clone it with: git clone -b betanet

    • Move inside the repository with: cd tzlibre. If you are moving from the devnet branch you must checkout the betanet branch from within the tzlibre repository folder with: git fetch and git checkout betanet

    • Update it with: git pull origin betanet

  3. Run TzLibre betanet.

    • Use the command docker-compose -f composes/docker-compose-betanet.yml up -d node && docker-compose -f composes/docker-compose-betanet.yml logs -f node. (Note: this may take a while).

    • To detach from node logs hit Ctrl-c: node will continue to run in background

Interact with TzLibre node via Docker

All the commands in this section MUST be run from inside the repository folder. Move into the tzlibre repository folder with cd tzlibre. (Note: if you cloned the repository into a different or nested folder, make sure to cd into that very folder).

  • Stop node: docker-compose -f composes/docker-compose-betanet.yml stop node

  • Restart node: docker-compose -f composes/docker-compose-betanet.yml restart node

  • Attach to node logs: docker-compose -f composes/docker-compose-betanet.yml logs -f node (Note: to detach from node logs hit Ctrl-c: node will continue to run in background)

🥖 How to bake

You need an account funded with at least 1,000 TZL (1 roll). To import an existing secret_key or generate a new one, refer to section Keys/accounts management.


Bootstrap bakers included in genesis MUST NOT register as delegate (step 2 "Register as delegate").

  1. Attach to the container. (Docker users only)

    • All commands in the following sections (i.e., _1. Get a funded address and 2. Register as delegate_) should be launched inside the Docker container. To attach to the container run docker exec -it tzlibre_node /bin/sh.

      • Check you are inside the container before issuing the following commands (if your shell prompt looks like root@d9349d4e7123 you're inside the container)

  2. Wait for bootstrap.

    • Wait until your node has bootstrapped (connection and synch). Depending on bandwidth and chain size it may take anything between 30 minutes and few hours

    • Check status. Make sure your node has bootstrapped before moving to the next step

🚨 WARNING: Bootstrap bakers included in genesis MUST NOT register as delegate. If you are a bootstrap baker SKIP step 2 and move to step 3.

  1. Register as delegate.

    • Run the command tzlibre-client register key "my_awesome_baker" as delegate. (Note: if node hasn't bootstrapped you might get this error)

  2. Detach from the container. (Docker users only)

    • Exit tzlibre_node container with Ctrl-d. (Note: check your shell prompt has returned to your default one)

Run baker, endorser and (optional) accuser

All commands in this section MUST be run from within the repository folder. Move into tzlibre repository folder with cd tzlibre. (Note: if you cloned the repository into a different or nested folder, make sure to cd into that very folder)

  • Start baker: docker-compose -f composes/docker-compose-betanet.yml up -d baker && docker attach tzlibre_baker. Insert your password and hit Enter. Wait for string "Baker started." and detach from container with Ctrl-p + Ctrl-q

  • Start endorser: docker-compose -f composes/docker-compose-betanet.yml up -d endorser && docker attach tzlibre_endorser. Insert your password and hit Enter. Wait for string "Endorser started." and detach container with Ctrl-p + Ctrl-q

  • (Optional) Start accuser: docker-compose -f composes/docker-compose-betanet.yml up -d accuser && docker attach tzlibre_accuser. Wait for string "Accuser started." and detach container with Ctrl-p + Ctrl-q.

Interact with baker, endorser and accuser

  • Stop baker, endorser or accuser docker-compose -f composes/docker-compose-betanet.yml stop <baker,endorser,accuser> (Note: customize this using either one or more in <baker,endorser,accuser>)

  • Restart baker: docker-compose -f composes/docker-compose-betanet.yml restart baker && docker attach tzlibre_baker. It will ask for encryption password of "my_awesome_baker" key. Type it and press Enter. Then wait for string "Baker started." and detach with Ctrl-p + Ctrl-q

  • Restart endorser: docker-compose -f composes/docker-compose-betanet.yml restart endorser && docker attach tzlibre_endorser. It will ask for encryption password of "my_awesome_baker" key. Type it and press Enter. Then wait for string "Endorser started." and detach with Ctrl-p + Ctrl-q

  • Restart accuser: docker-compose -f composes/docker-compose-betanet.yml restart accuser

  • Attach to logs: docker-compose -f composes/docker-compose-betanet.yml logs -f <baker,endorser,accuser> (Note: customize this using one or more in <baker,endorser,accuser>)

  • Detach from logs: you can detach [baker|endorser|accuser] with Ctrl-c in each terminal session

🔑 How to manage keys/accounts

An account is controlled by secret_key: public_key is uniquely derived from secret_key, an address (e.g., tz1..., also known as "public key hash") is a hash of public_key.

All procedures explained in this section MUST be run from inside a tzlibre_node container. If you need to run a series of procedures you won't need to detach from the tzlibre_node container (always reported as the last command) and reattach to it.

Import an existing secret key

Following these steps you'll be able to import a secret_key from Librebox to tzlibre-client:

  1. Export unencrypted key from LibreBox.

    • go to Settings→Export Private Key. It will show an unencrypted private key (edsk...)

  2. Prepare the prefixed private key string.

    • Open a text editor, paste the edsk... string and prepend it with the string unencrypted:

    • You must end up with a string like: unencrypted:edsk...

    • Copy this string to the clipboard

  3. Attach to tzlibre_node container.

    • Attach to a running tzlibre_node container: docker exec -it tzlibre_node /bin/sh

  4. Encrypt the unencrypted private key.

    • Use the command tzlibre-client encrypt secret key.

    • Paste clipboard content to answer the request "Enter unencrypted secret key:" and hit Enter.

    • Type your encryption password (twice).

    • You will obtain an encrypted private key of the form: encrypted:edesk...

    • (Note: if you run this multiple times you will get different outputs while the unencrypted key stays the same)

  5. Import secret key.

    • Choose an alias for your key (e.g., my_awesome_encrypted_key)

    • Import the encrypted secret key with: tzlibre-client import secret key my_awesome_encrypted_key encrypted:edsk...

    • Type your encryption password when requested

    • (Note: you must replace my_awesome_encrypted_key with the alias chosen)

  6. Detach from tzlibre_node container with Ctrl-d

Generate a new secret key

  1. Attach to a running tzlibre_node container: docker exec -it tzlibre_node /bin/sh

  2. Choose an alias for your key (e.g., my_awesome_key), then run tzlibre-client gen keys my_awesome_key. Type your encryption password (twice)

  3. Detach from tzlibre_node container with Ctrl-d

Retrieve known addresses and aliases

  1. Attach to a running tzlibre_node container: docker exec -it tzlibre_node /bin/sh

  2. Retrieve list of known addresses with: tzlibre-client list known contracts

  3. Pick the address associated with your alias

  4. Detach from tzlibre_node container with Ctrl-d

Check address balance

Alternatively you can use the block explorer

  1. Attach to a running tzlibre_node container: docker exec -it tzlibre_node /bin/sh

  2. Retrieve balance with: tzlibre-client get balance for <my_address>. (Note: you must replace <my_address> with the alias of your address. To list known address aliases check this: Retrieve known addresses and aliases)

  3. Detach from the tzlibre_node container with Ctrl-d.

Transfer an arbitrary amount of TZL

  1. Attach to a running tzlibre_node container: docker exec -it tzlibre_node /bin/sh

  2. Retrieve list of known addresses with: tzlibre-client transfer <amount> from my_awesome_key to <destination_address>

  3. Pick the address associated with your alias

  4. Detach from tzlibre_node container with Ctrl-d

Generate kt1

  1. Attach to a running tzlibre_node container: docker exec -it tzlibre_node /bin/sh

  2. Retrieve list of known addresses with: tzlibre-client originate account <alias_kt1> for <alias_my_address> transferring <amount_to_transfer> from <alias_my_address> --delegate <delegate_tz1_address> --burn-cap 0.257

  3. Pick the address associated with your alias

  4. Detach from tzlibre_node container with Ctrl-d

7. ⚠️ Troubleshooting

E1. Fatal error: Resource temporarily unavailable

Sync incomplete, please wait.

E2. Node is bootstrapped, ready for injecting operations. Error: Empty implicit contract

Incomplete bootstrap, wait for a complete bootstrap.

E3. Failed to acquire the protocol version from the node

Make sure you're using encrypted keys.

E4. Level previously baked

This is caused by an incorrect halt of the baker. Please reinstall.

E5. Too few connections

Wait for your node to find more connections. If that doesn't work check status

E6. Couldn't connect to Docker daemon

You probably didn't install Docker properly. Reinstall Docker from scratch following the official guide, then test your installation

E7. "tzlibre-client get balance for" does not exist

If you are using Docker, check to be attached to a tzlibre-node container (step "0. Attach to the container." of Setup) and verify that your alias actually exists (tzlibre-client list known addresses)

E8. OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:346: starting container process caused "exec: \"/bin/bash\": stat /bin/bash: no such file or directory": unknown

Use sh instead bash to attach tzlibre-node:

docker exec -it tzlibre_node /bin/sh

🛠 Build from sources (advanced users)

If you prefer to build the TzLibre node from source follow these steps:

sudo apt install -y rsync git m4 build-essential patch unzip bubblewrap wget
sudo cp opam-2.0.1-x86_64-linux /usr/local/bin/opam
sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/opam
git clone
cd tzlibre
opam init --bare
make build-deps
eval $(opam env)
export PATH=~/tzlibre:$PATH
source ./src/bin_client/

Last updated

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